Case Study

ACR Bivy Stick & Aware360: Enhancing Lone Worker Safety and Connectivity Solutions

Aware360 is a leading provider of safety and communication solutions, leveraging advanced technology to keep individuals connected and protected in any environment.

Aware360, a leader in connected worker solutions, has partnered with ACR Bivy to integrate its SafetyAware application with the Bivy Stick satellite device. This integration enhances worker safety in remote, non-cellular regions by providing real-time monitoring and communication. The Bivy Stick leverages satellite technology to provide connectivity in areas where cellular service is unavailable, while SafetyAware provides a suite of tools for managing and monitoring worker safety.

Remote work environments, particularly in the oil and gas industry, present significant risks due to isolation and limited communication options. Ensuring the safety of workers and maintaining efficient communication in these non-cellular areas was a paramount challenge.

The integration of Aware360's SafetyAware application with ACR Bivy's Bivy Stick leverages Bivy's API to provide a specialized communication system for use in areas lacking cellular coverage. This setup enhances safety protocols by facilitating efficient transmission of safety alerts, check-ins, and messages through satellite technology. Integrated with Aware360's administrative and monitoring tools and supported by their 24/7/365 emergency response center, this solution optimizes the management and safety of workers in remote locations.

The partnership has significantly improved safety and communication for remote workers, making it easier to respond to emergencies and maintain operational efficiency in challenging environments. The use of the Bivy Stick with Aware360's SafetyAware app has set a new standard in the industry for worker safety.

Aware360 is a leading provider of safety and communication solutions, leveraging advanced technology to keep individuals connected and protected in any environment.
Hardware Solution
Software Solution


increase in check-in messages sent by workers in non-cellular areas, enhancing communication


rise in overall communication frequency in remote work environments


reduction in safety incidents reported due to better connectivity and real-time monitoring.


improvement in productivity, attributed to more efficient communication and response mechanisms.


This partnership represents a significant step forward in our commitment to worker safety. By combining Aware360's innovative monitoring solutions with our robust satellite communication technology, we are setting a new standard in the industry."
Vance Cook
VP of Product and Marketing, ACR Bivy

Bivy Stick in action

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