Case Study

Motocross Legend Ricky Carmichael Relies on ACR Bivy Stick for Seamless Communication and Tracking During Epic Summer Adventure Ride

Ricky Carmichael
Ricky Carmichael, widely regarded as the greatest motocross rider of all time, continues to inspire and influence the world of off-road motorsports. With an unparalleled career spanning over two decades, Ricky's passion for racing and commitment to excellence have earned him numerous championships and a loyal following of fans worldwide.

Renowned motocross champion Ricky Carmichael embarked on his annual summer adventure ride, traversing over 1,100 miles through the remote wilderness of Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and Nevada. Accompanied by a group of close friends, Carmichael relied on the ACR Bivy Stick and its GroupTrack™ feature to maintain seamless communication and keep track of everyone’s location, even in areas without cellular coverage.

Navigating through remote areas across multiple states posed significant communication and safety challenges for Ricky Carmichael and his group. With limited cellular coverage in many of the locations they visited, the team needed a reliable way to stay connected, share their locations, and ensure everyone's safety throughout the adventure ride.

Carmichael equipped himself and his riding companions with ACR Bivy Sticks, compact satellite communication devices that enabled them to send and receive messages, share their locations, and access weather updates, regardless of cellular coverage. The Bivy Stick's GroupTrack™ feature allowed the team to monitor each other's GPS locations, ensuring no one got separated or lost during the journey.

By utilizing the ACR Bivy Stick and its GroupTrack™ feature, Ricky Carmichael and his group were able to stay connected and safe throughout their adventure ride. The ability to communicate via satellite and track each other's locations provided peace of mind and allowed the team to fully immerse themselves in the experience, without worrying about losing contact in remote areas.

Ricky Carmichael
Ricky Carmichael, widely regarded as the greatest motocross rider of all time, continues to inspire and influence the world of off-road motorsports. With an unparalleled career spanning over two decades, Ricky's passion for racing and commitment to excellence have earned him numerous championships and a loyal following of fans worldwide.
Hardware Solution
Software Solution

The total number of GPS track points successfully sent to the satellite network, ensuring continuous monitoring and safety during Ricky Carmichael's 10-day adventure with the ACR Bivy Stick set to 10-minute tracking intervals

The total number of chat messages exchanged between the 4 Bivy Sticks, all seamlessly synchronized via satellite utilizing Bivy’s GroupTrack™ feature.


Seamless communication maintained throughout the 1,183-mile journey across four states


The longest continuous stretch without cellular coverage during the journey, during which the ACR Bivy Sticks kept the group connected and accounted for.


The ACR Bivy Stick was a game-changer for our summer adventure ride. Knowing we could communicate and keep track of each other's locations, even in the most remote areas, gave us the confidence to fully enjoy the journey. It's an essential tool for anyone embarking on off-grid adventures.
Ricky Carmichael
Motocross Legend

Bivy Stick in action

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